A bug but is there a workaround?

Charles Szasz cszasz at mac.com
Fri Dec 23 18:38:06 EST 2016

I have a script for moving text from a text field to my app to a print card.  The text at the end of the first sentence runs into the beginning of text of the second sentence when printing on Windows on LiveCode 6.1.3

I send the following problem to LC tech support and I got a message this is a bug and they believe that there is a workaround but they don’t recall what the workaround.

Here is my script for moving text from a text field to a print stack:

set the spaceAbove of line 1 of field "C4" of card "page 4" of stack "Report" to 28
set the spaceAbove of line 1 of field "C5" of card "page 4" of stack "Report" to 28
put field "c1" into field "C1" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"
put field "c2" into field "C2" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"
put field "c3" into field "C3" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"
put field "c4" into field "C4" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"
put field "c5" into field "C5" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"
put field "c7" into field "C7" of card "page 4" of stack "Report"

Does anyone have a workaround for LC 6.1.3 to fix my problem?

Charles Szasz
cszasz at me.com

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