IPv6 iOS Rejection In-App Purchases

Monte Goulding monte at appisle.net
Thu Dec 15 18:30:36 EST 2016

> On 16 Dec. 2016, at 10:16 am, Mark Talluto <mark at canelasoftware.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2016, at 3:00 PM, Ralph DiMola <rdimola at evergreeninfo.net> wrote:
>> I just got an app rejected from Apple because the in-app purchase errored out when the reviewer was testing using iOS 10.2 on an IPv6 only network. I'm using LC 8.1.1 Xcode 8.0 OSX 10.11.6. Has anyone seen this? Is this a known LC bug?
>> Thanks for any insight...
> LiveCode does not support IPv6 yet. What I am not sure is if this only affects applications that use internet functions or all apps in general.

It should only impact you if you are either using sockets instead of urls for networking or using urls with IPv4 addresses hard coded instead of a domain name. As far as I know the only networking involved in in-app purchasing is within StoreKit which is Apple’s problem. Please report the issue along with any info Apple sent you about it and some code or a description of what you are doing when processing a purchase.



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