Behaviors and the message path

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Dec 9 18:15:54 EST 2016

On 12/9/16 4:47 PM, mwieder wrote:
> But at any rate, I believe conflating "extending" a script with
> "concatenation" is the wrong way to think about behaviors.

I think of them as private backscripts, available only the object to 
which they are attached. If the behavior doesn't catch a messages, the 
message continues on to the next object after the backscript's owner.

One thing that surprised me recently was a behavior attached to a shared 
background field. A mouseUp message activated when I didn't expect it 
to. I finally realized that because the behavior was attached to a 
background field, it was being triggered after the card controls. I set 
the field's backgroundBehavior to false (but left the shared property 
true) and the unexpected responses stopped because the field was now a 
card object.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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