AW: Installer software

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Fri Dec 9 04:41:37 EST 2016

On 09/12/2016 08:17, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> the main reason for me to use installer maker is the feature, to call
> a program after the installer has finished (which makes a second part
> of installation, extraction and copying 20000 videos from 10 zip
> files). I don't know, how I could realize this with the classic "drag
> and drop from DMG" paradigm.

Hi Tiemo,

Don't forget that .DMG files are already compressed.  I would normally
recommend simply shipping your 20000 videos as separate files within
your app bundle.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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