Wouldn't it be neat...
Roger Guay
irog at mac.com
Tue Aug 23 08:22:19 EDT 2016
What I discovered is that a field (used for another feature) in my rTools general catchall plugin butts in and prevents this code from seeing the selectedText of the topStack. Indeed, if a paste a field in your TextToolBar stack (which I love, BTW), your stack fails as well. And the solution . . . wait for it . . . use the ol Richard Gaskin maneuver and set the TraversalOn of the field to false.
Thanks again, Richard!
> On Aug 22, 2016, at 9:38 PM, Roger Guay <irog at mac.com> wrote:
> No, mine is indeed set to palette yet does not work and your’s works just fine. I’ll report back when I figure out why.
> Thanks for your patience
>> On Aug 22, 2016, at 8:42 PM, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:
>> Roger wrote:
>>> I take it back. I thought I had it working but alas, not so much.
>>> I can’t make it work for a button in a palette stack (a plugin)
>>> and selectedText from the Script Editor of the topStack. Here is
>>> my button script:
>>> on mouseUp
>>> set the defaultstack to the topstack
>>> put the selectedtext into tText
>>> if the first char of tText is not quote then put quote before tText
>>> if the last char of tText is not quote then put quote after tText
>>> put tText into the selectedtext
>>> end mouseUp
>>> The traversalOn of this button is indeed unchecked. When I click
>>> the button, the selectedText in the Script Editor goes unhilited,
>>> and nothing else happens. Funny thing is, I could swear I had it
>>> working before my previous post???
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