Wouldn't it be neat...

Roger Guay irog at mac.com
Mon Aug 22 22:22:28 EDT 2016

Hi Richard,

I take it back. I thought I had it working but alas, not so much. I can’t make it work for a button in a palette stack (a plugin) and selectedText from the Script Editor of the topStack. Here is my button script:

on mouseUp

	set the defaultstack to the topstack

	put the selectedtext into tText

	if the first char of tText is not quote then put quote before tText

	if the last char of tText is not quote then put quote after tText

	put tText into the selectedtext

end mouseUp

The traversalOn of this button is indeed unchecked. When I click the button, the selectedText in the Script Editor goes unhilited, and nothing else happens. Funny thing is, I could swear I had it working before my previous post???



> On Aug 22, 2016, at 4:39 PM, Roger Guay <irog at mac.com> wrote:
> How right you are!  Thanks!
>> On Aug 22, 2016, at 7:39 AM, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:
>> Clicking a button should only deselect text when the button's traversalOn property is true.
>> If that were not the case it would not be possible to make toolbars that act on text, and such a limitation would be a bug.
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