Ideas for LiveCode workshops - help needed

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Aug 7 11:25:06 EDT 2016

Ditto what Graham said:

We semi-proficient coders hit the wall when we create a scrolling group on desktop and then transfer to our iPhone and it doesn't scroll or set a simple player to a URL for an mp3 on web server and discover that you need a to create a mobile player. What if you have content (a little puzzle game) that really should only be viewed/locked down in landscape?  and this is on card 3 of a stack that is otherwise portrait? on desktop it’s a 4-line-of-code simple resize trick. "Wow Livecode is so cool" newbie feels proud they figured that out. Not so on mobile. For the level of workshop you are targeting perhaps (my guess) this would probably be an "advanced track" .. these are the things that someone Javascript person watching over your shoulder says "really, why don't you do this all in HTML 5?"  because it like its  soooo hard (in livecode) and the html5 world has thousands of answers…" [I'm not buying it yet. I've seen some of these html5 apps with their snake pit of libraries and dependencies and 5 times the lines of code in the end and the endless javascript debugging of what doesn't-quite-work-right yet… until the code becomes so opaque that even the developer himself can hardly read it 6 months later. Give me LC any day… but some things are stil too hard in LC.]

And, yes: iOS provisioning, Android developer ID et al: a dark grey mountain of mystery that needs sunlight for the newbie. after a year.. I *think* have iOS pretty much figured… but still putting off building for android locally. Challenge is, non-professionals are no doing this day-in-day-out so we really depend on thorough documentation and examples, that is missing in manby cases or out of date (Livecode lessons are pretty good for some things, but not all)

So your work shop can include supplementary material on "where to find what you need to know; disclaimer, everything you need to know may or many not be there."


Graham Samuel" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of livfoss at> wrote:

    so I’d like to see a workshop that creates a trivial app (say a variation on the clock/stopwatch theme - but it could be anything), discusses the differences (if any) needed in the code for different platforms, and which is then actually installed on all the available platforms, indicating all the pitfalls of deploying on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux - what installer software to use, getting stuff approved/certificated etc. and including a jargon-buster for the deployment end of things ("what’s device provisioning?" for example).

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