LC7 and 8 - Non responsive processing large text files

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Apr 14 08:37:55 EDT 2016

On 4/14/2016 5:43 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
> When you say 'non-responsiveness' I take it you mean that Windows
> thinks that the application has 'hung'? (i.e. the windows go slightly
> opaque).

This may or may not be related, but I have some code that does lots of
data manipulation in a big loop  (not from a file though) that was
causing Windows 8.1 to think the app was unresponsive, I added a:

wait 0 with messages

to the loop to allow the engine and OS time to check events and while my
loop still take a LONG time to complete, Windows no longer things the
App has hung.

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