Silly conference survey

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Tue Sep 8 16:54:35 EDT 2015

> in the Forum gives one an impression that a very large 
> proportion of LiveCode users are NOT native speakers of 
> English - so I wonder where they actually do live?

As Trevor said, they know where their user base is. What do they do not know
necessarily is of that user base, what percentage would go to any conference
at all - then how far to travel.

All said and done, I wonder what language is known by all members of the
company AND is most likely the most common language spoken by the most
number of actual paying users of LiveCode? What is the most common language
on the mailing list? What is the language most commonly used on the forums?

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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