learning resources for kids

Devin Asay devin_asay at byu.edu
Tue Nov 24 12:00:43 EST 2015

> On Nov 22, 2015, at 12:27 PM, Monte Goulding <monte at appisle.net> wrote:
> Great Todd. I’ll check it out.
> BTW I found the Game Academies and LiveCode University. They used to be in my account but now they are under the LiveCode > Learning Resources menu. Has anyone got any thoughts on LiveCode University for a 9 year old?


LCU is targeted toward high school or college-aged learners (I developed it for my college-level course,) but no prior programming experience is assumed. I think the examples are simple enough that your son could follow most or all of them. I will say that the example stacks we develop in LCU are more focused on producing instructional applications than games. Overall, the course is designed to give a broad overview of programming concepts and the LiveCode IDE, using small assignments and projects as a means to help students solidify the materials presented in the lessons.



Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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