AW: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat May 30 13:54:36 EDT 2015

Mark Wieder wrote:
 > Nonetheless, if there's a significant performance hit in *the same
 > code* running on different LC versions, then it's something to worry
 > about.

If we were in a more optimistic mood, we could say:

   LiveCode 7 is very good at exposing suboptimal algorithms.


Of course it would be more convenient for everyone if LiveCode could 
have undertaken the most significant rewrite of any xTalk ever and 
pulled it off with only performance gains and not a single downside.

But in the imperfect world we live in, desirable as that might be I 
don't think it's a realistic goal.

Some areas of the v7 engine are faster, some slower, and now and then 
the slower parts will be slow enough that it'll prompt us to consider 
revising our code as it would have been faster all along.

It's worth noting that the scope of Tiemo's slowdown is far beyond 
anything I've been able to measure in v7 myself, and well outside of 
just about anything I've even read about.

That most stuff works without any noticeable difference at all is pretty 
good, even if we can expect to find a handful of edge cases where 
optimizing the algorithm may be needed.

If moving into the present with LiveCode 7 seems like a lot of work, 
talk to Python 2 fans migrating their code to Python 3. ;)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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