How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Fri May 29 15:28:13 EDT 2015

On 2015-05-29 21:12, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Richard.
> I totally understand what you're talking about there, but between a 
> full
> time gig, very young children, and freelance work at night. I just 
> don't
> know where I'd find the time to be effective at giving them the level 
> of
> detail that they need. I can't give them the actual software that's
> suffered from these issues as it's all under NDA.

Hi Andrew,

Note that we are able to enter a NDA if that's necessary!  Please 
contact support for more information.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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