Posted here: HTML5 deployment is still in the far future.

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Mon May 11 16:52:58 EDT 2015

On 11/05/2015 20:15, Mark Rauterkus wrote:
> Okay, ... If
> HTML5 deployment is still in the far future.
> Then,
> What LC tools are people using NOW to help with their most simple web pages?

I wouldn't think LC would be the tool to use for simple web pages even if 
HTML5 deployment arrived tomorrow.  From what RunRev have said about it, that 
facility will be useful for web apps - or web deployed apps - with fantastic 
speed/ease of development, especially for those who are already skilled in the 
language and especially for apps which are also to be deployed in other ways; 
but with some overheads for the end user.

If you're looking for an easy way to do simple web *apps* now, I'd look at 
Hype (  But if you're looking for assistance with simple web 
pages - depending on your definition of simple, of course! - I'd look first at 
the hosted services (Squarespace, Tumblr et al); and then at some of the tools 
like Dreamweaver.



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