Kickstarter 2013 Revisited

Terence Heaford t.heaford at
Sun May 10 14:27:54 EDT 2015

Is the future development of each OS platform dependent upon widgets?

For example, little has been done to correct the user interface deficiencies when compared to Yosemite.

1. Will all user interface objects be widgets?
2. Will LiveCode only provide a limited set of UI widgets?
3. Will the community/Other developers provide the remainder?
4. Will widgets be provided by others at a Cost($£$£$£)?
5. Will the widget system be licensable to allow a purchase system?
6. Will all widgets free/£$£$£$ be available to LC Community Edition?

I have asked similar questions before but never had an answer. This raises the conspiracy theorist in me. It would be a little disconcerting if you contributed (£$£$£$) to making livecode open source only to be locked out of the widget system and for LC to only provide a limited set of UI Objects.

A clear concise answer would be good.

All the best


> On 10 May 2015, at 18:41, Mark Waddingham <mark at> wrote:
> Pluggable (visual) themes are great but there is a great deal more to getting things to work specifically as they do on individual platforms than visual representation. Sure you can use native objects, but if you want something which works like a native object but needs a little more you have to fall back to writing or adapting what is there. i.e. Themes in their true sense of meaning a control works precisely how it should on any given platform (or perhaps more accurately, allow you to write a control which works like a native object but gives the functionality you need) requires code; just having a flexible 'fixed' themeing system is not enough.

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