Interfacing with web services - advice needed

David Epstein dfepstein at
Tue Mar 17 18:14:37 EDT 2015

>> For those who want to know, my current case involves a succession of points on the Earth’s surface where I know each one's longitude and latitude: I want to convert the intervals between these points to distances in metres (say).

Graham Samuel stipulated that he did not want to code a LiveCode algorithm to solve this problem, but in case it might be useful here is a function that I believe does so.

function earthKM myLat,myLon,Lat0,Lon0, at aid
  -- return km distance on earth, load aid [angle in degrees] from origin point Lon0,Lat0 to myPoint myLon,myLat
  put PI/180 into rpd -- radians per degree
  put myLat*rpd into myLat
  put myLon*rpd into myLon
  put Lat0*rpd into Lat0
  put Lon0*rpd into lon0
  put (SIN((myLat-Lat0)/2))^2+COS(Lat0)*COS(myLat)*(SIN((myLon-Lon0)/2))^2 into j
  put 6371*2*ASIN(MIN(1,j^0.5)) into dkm -- distance in km
  put ATAN2(SIN(myLon-Lon0)*COS(myLat),COS(Lat0)*SIN(myLat)-SIN(Lat0)*COS(myLat)*COS(myLon-Lon0)) into k -- bearing in radians
  put k/rpd into aid -- in degrees
  return dkm
end earthKM

David Epstein

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