put url web service timeout

Ralph DiMola rdimola at evergreeninfo.net
Wed Jul 15 13:16:11 EDT 2015

I was having a problem with timeouts using ==>put url("https://fdsfsd.on-rev.com/test.lc")<==. Some of these request took some time to complete.

I found even in the IDE the socketTimeout message does not get sent when a web request times out. I set the socketTimeoutInterval to 20000 and on the desktop the url request no longer timed out. But would it work on mobile? I needed this for a mobile app. The Dictionary says the socketTimeoutInterval is not supported on mobile but I tried it anyway. To my joy it works on mobile!!

I want to pass this little gem along and find out what is the best way to report errors in the LC Dictionary.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at evergreeninfo.net

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