Chrome, lchttpd and a possible Livecode socket bug?

David Bovill david at
Wed Jul 15 11:59:43 EDT 2015

Thanks for the comprehensive reply Richard.

The prototype I am working on is to create a Livecode daemon/server that
has the follewoing functions:

   1. Drop dead easy to set up for local use on a laptop, or to serve a LAN
   in a teaching / workshop scenario
   2. Fast and minimal REST API provider.
   3. Deployable behind a load balancing server
   4. Plays well with Node, Nginx, Apache in a load balancing production

My understanding is that it should be possible to script the deployment of
custom servers in an environment like Linode in a few minutes - whether
that be a single Livecode server or several of them behind a load-balancing

I'm also interested in moving beyond using libraries and front and back
scripts to exploring the use of chained behaviors in this architecture.
Finally I'm wandering about an architecture which allows you to deploy
standalone servers that speak to each other via (as you say) custom binary

I'm going to have a whole bunch of questions I am sure - the first one is
whether running a daemon on a cloud based server can be achieved using
LiveCode server?

On 15 July 2015 at 16:21, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at> wrote:

> David Bovill wrote:
> > @andre - dropbox is no longer public. I'd love to check out your old
> > server
> Andre's been immersed in the Firefox project, and doesn't frequent this
> list as he used to.  Back when he did he wrote at least two lengthy posts
> here about why he stopped development of his httpd stack, and why he
> doesn't recommend using it for Web servers.
> In short, serving browser clients is especially challenging in a
> non-threaded and non-forking engine like LiveCode, because what we think of
> as a single transaction is often a dozen or more - in addition to the HTML
> page it'll often include links to CSS, JavaScript, and any number of images
> files, resulting in many requests for a single page.
> Because the engine is single-threaded and non-forking, all requests are
> effectively queued.  Network I/O is somewhat non-blocking, but everything
> else the engine does, such as file I/O, is blocking, so handling things
> like Web pages with their multiple requests becomes more onerous than just
> using any of the apps already doing a good job for that, like Apache,
> NGineX, etc.
> Using LC as a CGI under Apache is a reasonably good use case, as it allows
> concurrency under Apache's forking.  But replacing Apache with LC is
> perhaps more trouble than it's worth, at least until we can do forking
> ourselves.
> That said, I do believe there's good value in exploring LiveCode daemons
> for other uses beyond Web servers.
> Application-specific servers, where transactions will be a single request
> rather than a dozen or more as is common with Web pages, can be very good
> fit for LiveCode.  Even better when the client is also made with LC, so we
> can take advantage of things like compressed encoded arrays for much more
> efficient throughput than translating to/from JSON.
> In that sense, whether we use port 80 with HTTP conventions or make a
> protocol of our own over another port, we're making a simple socket server,
> and in my tests LC does well with that sort of thing.
> One of my favorite examples along these lines is EVE Online, since it's
> one of the world's most popular MMOGs and is served by a single Python
> engine instance.
> In all fairness, though, since Python is like LiveCode in that it doesn't
> support true concurrency, a special build of Python was needed, CPython,
> which includes support for "green threads" that provide concurrency but
> with less overhead than system-managed threads.
> A similar enhancement could be made with LiveCode, and I hope it comes
> about some day since it would allow us to do everything Python can do.
> But in the here-and-now, few of us need to solve a C10k problem, and with
> reasonable traffic a single LiveCode daemon can do well.
> If traffic grows beyond what a single instance can handle, the bottlenecks
> can be distributed among any number of other LC instances managed by the
> daemon via local sockets, as we've discussed here before.
> To explore the potential for building socket servers with LC, I've found
> two projects especially helpful: mchttp and the chat example.
> mchttp
> ------
> Both Andre and Todd started their httpd projects as forks of Scott Raney's
> mchttpd.  Dr. Raney's original stack no longer works because most browsers
> today have stricter requirements for header info than his  script provided,
> but with his permission I added only Andre's header fix to Raney's original
> script and the result is available under MIT license here:
> <>
> Andre's and Todd's enhancements are likely very useful; I'm providing the
> link to Raney's fixed original only because if there seems to be an issue
> in how the engine is handling sockets this simpler script may make
> diagnosis easier.
> chat
> ----
> The chat client and server code in this lesson is about as simple as it
> gets, making it a good starting point for expansion since it was part of a
> client deliverable and is known to work well:
> <
> >
> While the mchttp stack is a good example of simple transaction handling in
> which a single client makes a request that is returned only to that client,
> the chat example illustrates broadcasting in which any data coming in from
> any client is broadcast to all of them.
> Between these two models we have a nice foundation for a great many
> possible types of interesting and useful client-server applications.
> With the socket issue you've seen, it may be useful to apply the logging
> you have to either mchttpd or the chat example and see what you find.
> I've spent very little time with mchttpd, but I did some stress testing on
> the chat server a while back and it held up admirably: I had three separate
> client computers throwing as many requests as they could to the daemon
> running on one of my VPSes for two minutes, monitoring progress in htop as
> it ran.  The daemon never used more than 25% of the CPU, and when the
> barrage ended it reclaimed all memory and dropped back to zero CPU.
> Hopefully you'll find a quick fix in one of the scripts, and if it does
> indeed turn out to be an engine issue your bug report to the RQCC is much
> appreciated.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Systems
>  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at      
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