menu buttons and showname

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Mon Jul 6 16:38:43 EDT 2015

Agreed. Which brings me back to the point that when the label of a popup menu is empty there ought to be some default behavior like displaying the tootTip or a property containing a value the developer can set. I think we are all agreed that what it ought NOT to do is display the object name. Workarounds are plentiful, but as I stated before this is not about a workaround, it is about a control that doesn’t need workarounds to function as you might expect.

Bob S

On Jul 6, 2015, at 13:04 , Scott Rossi <scott at<mailto:scott at>> wrote:

Hi Bob:

I would propose that empty is not an informative value for a user.
Something like "<no selection>" or a call to action "Select an option" is
going to be more helpful than an empty line.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

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