menu buttons and showname

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Thu Jul 2 23:07:10 EDT 2015

I still can't invisage a situation where you'd want an empty option button.

If in Peter's example the first btn was a list of customers, and the second
button was a list of their invoices, if a customer has no invoices their
name shouldn't appear in the first button.

If on the the other hand the first btn is a list of customers and the
second btn has the possible options; invoices, email, phone, address which
then displays the relevant info in a fld. In this case if the customer has
no invoices then that is removed from the choices and Email happens to be
the displayed choice; if necessary the user chooses phone or address if
that's really what they want - if there is no obvious default choice the it
doesn't matter what you choose to display. Again, if the customer had no
invoices, no email, no phone and no address what kind of custromer are
they?? Either they should NOT appear in the first btn to start with, or the
2nd button choices should change to Enter Email, Enter Phone, Enter Address
for any instance where the info doesn't exist so again you wouldn't end up
with a button that is empty.

An empty btn, even if it's disabled, seems just wrong to me. If it really
is empty, set it to invisible.

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