IP Calculator Final Version
Bob Sneidar
bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Tue Jan 27 18:38:31 EST 2015
Hi Alex.
Thanks for testing this for me and your input. Here is an updated function that accounts for any non-numerical octets and expands the limits of the CIDR to 0-32. Also, if the IP or the CIDR ends in any number of periods it returns an error. I have made the same check for subnet masks.
This reminds me of when I originally started programming. I would proudly show off my new creation to a friend of mine who was a school principle, and he would set about breaking it. :-) It was a good lesson.
function IPCalc theIPAddress, theSubnetMask
/* IPCalc yyy
IPCalc theIPAddress, [theSubnetMask]
Derive Internet values from either CIDR notation in the IPAddress
or a standard IP and subnet mask
. theIPAddress - the IP address in CIDR notation
. theIPAddress - a standard IP address and
. theSubNetMask - a standard subNetMask
Returns an array of the following values:
. bcastaddr
. cidraddr
. cidrdepth
. firstaddr
. ipaddress
. lastaddr
. subnetaddr
. subnetmask
. usablecount
Returns a string beginning with ERROR: if the parameters are out of range
Check that the returned value is an array to see if there was an error
Bob Sneidar, slylabs13 at icloud.com
IPCalc */
set the itemdelimiter to "."
-- check parameters
-- the IP address must be 4 octets of numbers
if the number of items of theIPAddress <>4 \
or the last char of theIPAddress is "." \
or ".." is in theIPAddress then
return "ERROR: The IP Address must be in the form:" & cr & \
"'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' or 'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/nn'. (ipaddress = '" & theIPAddress & "')"
end if
-- initial setup
set the numberFormat to "00000000"
-- detemine format
if theIPAddress contains "/" then
put offset("/", theIPAddress) into theCIDRDelim
put char theCIDRDelim +1 to -1 of theIPAddress into theCIDRDepth
-- CIDR depth must be a WHOLE number
put cleanString(theCIDRDepth) into theCIDRDepth
if theCIDRDepth is not a number then
return "ERROR: The CIDR Depth must be a number between 0 and 32. " & \
"(CIDRDepth = '" & theCIDRDepth & "')"
end if
put charx("1", theCIDRDepth) & charx("0", 32-theCIDRDepth) into theBinSubnetMask
put baseconvert(char 1 to 8 of theBinSubnetMask, 2, 10) into item 1 of theSubnetMask
put baseconvert(char 9 to 16 of theBinSubnetMask, 2, 10) into item 2 of theSubnetMask
put baseconvert(char 17 to 24 of theBinSubnetMask, 2, 10) into item 3 of theSubnetMask
put baseconvert(char 25 to 32 of theBinSubnetMask, 2, 10) into item 4 of theSubnetMask
put char 1 to theCIDRDelim -1 of theIPAddress into theIPAddress
-- subnet mask octets must be 4 numbers between 0 and 255
-- and all octets after the first octet less than 255 must be 0
if the number of items of theSubnetMask <>4 \
or the last char of theSubnetMask is "." \
or ".." is in theSubnetMask then
return "ERROR: The Subnet Mask must be in the form:" & cr & \
"'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' (subnetmask = '" & theSubnetMask & "')"
end if
put false into mustBeZero
repeat for each item theOctet in theSubnetMask
if theOctet <0 or theOctet >255 then
return "Each octet in the subnet mask must be a number between 0 and 255. " & \
"(subnetmask = '" & theSubnetMask & "')"
end if
if mustBeZero and theOctet >0 then
return "ERROR: All octets after an octet less than 255 must be 0. " & \
"(subnetmask = '" & theSubnetMask & "')"
end if
if theOctet <255 then
put true into mustBeZero
end if
end repeat
-- convert the subnet mask to binary
put 0 into whichOctet
repeat for each item theOctet in theSubnetMask
add 1 to whichOctet
-- subnet mask must contain only 4 octets
if whichOctet >4 then
return "ERROR: The Subnet Mask must contain 4 numbers between 0 and 255 " & \
"separated by periods. (subnetmask = '" & theSubnetMask & "')"
end if
put value(baseConvert(theOctet, 10, 2)) after theBinSubnetMask
end repeat
put offset("0", theBinSubnetMask) -1 into theCIDRDepth
end if
-- CIDR depth must be between 0 and 32
if theCIDRDepth <0 or theCIDRDepth >32 then
return "ERROR: The CIDR Depth must be between 0 and 32. " & \
"(CIDRDepth = '" & theCIDRDepth & "')"
end if
-- All octets of the IP address must be between 0 and 255
repeat for each item theOctet in theIPAddress
if theOctet is empty or theOctet < 0 or theOctet > 255 then
return "ERROR: Each IP Address octet must be a number between 0 and 255. " & \
"(ipaddress = '" & theIPAddress & "')"
end if
end repeat
-- convert the ip address to binary
put 0 into whichOctet
repeat for each item theOctet in theIPAddress
add 1 to whichOctet
put baseConvert(theOctet, 10, 2) into theBinValue
add 0 to theBinValue
put theBinValue after theBinIPAddress
end repeat
-- calculate the binary subnet address
put char 1 to theCIDRDepth of theBinIPAddress into theBinNetworkAddr
put char theCIDRDepth +1 to -1 of theBinIPAddress into theBinNodeAddr
put theBinNodeAddr into theBinSubnetNodeAddr
set the numberFormat to "0"
replace "1" with "0" in theBinSubnetNodeAddr
put theBinNetworkAddr & theBinSubnetNodeAddr into theBinSubnetAddr
-- convert the binary subnet address to decimal
put baseconvert(char 1 to 8 of theBinSubnetAddr, 2, 10) into item 1 of theSubnetAddr
put baseconvert(char 9 to 16 of theBinSubnetAddr, 2, 10) into item 2 of theSubnetAddr
put baseconvert(char 17 to 24 of theBinSubnetAddr, 2, 10) into item 3 of theSubnetAddr
put baseconvert(char 25 to 32 of theBinSubnetAddr, 2, 10) into item 4 of theSubnetAddr
-- calculate the first usable IP address
put theSubnetAddr into theFirstAddr
add 1 to item 4 of theFirstAddr
-- calculate the binary broadcast address
put theBinNodeAddr into theBinBcastNodeAddr
replace "0" with "1" in theBinBcastNodeAddr
put theBinNetworkAddr & theBinBcastNodeAddr into theBinBcastAddr
-- convert the binary broadcast address to decimal
put baseconvert(char 1 to 8 of theBinBcastAddr, 2, 10) into item 1 of theBcastAddr
put baseconvert(char 9 to 16 of theBinBcastAddr, 2, 10) into item 2 of theBcastAddr
put baseconvert(char 17 to 24 of theBinBcastAddr, 2, 10) into item 3 of theBcastAddr
put baseconvert(char 25 to 32 of theBinBcastAddr, 2, 10) into item 4 of theBcastAddr
-- calculate the last usable IP address
put theBcastAddr into theLastAddr
subtract 1 from item 4 of theLastAddr
-- calculate the number of usable addresses
-- put item 4 of theLastAddr - item 4 of theFirstAddr +1 into theAddrCount
put baseconvert(theBinBcastNodeAddr, 2, 10) -1 into theAddrCount
-- calculate the CIDR notation
put theIPAddress & "/" & theCIDRDepth into theCIDRAddr
-- create array
put theIPAddress into ipdata ["ipaddress"]
put theSubnetMask into ipdata ["subnetmask"]
put theSubnetAddr into ipdata ["subnetaddr"]
put theFirstAddr into ipdata ["firstaddr"]
put theBcastAddr into ipdata["bcastaddr"]
put theLastAddr into ipdata ["lastaddr"]
put theCIDRDepth into ipdata ["cidrdepth"]
put theAddrCount into ipdata ["usablecount"]
put theCIDRAddr into ipdata ["cidraddr"]
return ipdata
end IPCalc
Bob S
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 16:22 , Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 26, 2015, at 12:14 , Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net> wrote:
>> A couple of error cases that aren't caught gracefully
>> 192.168.1/24.1
>> 192.168..1/24
>> One that is accepted and shouldn't be
>> (note the trailing ".")
>> Also, not sure why you limit CIDRDepth to between 1 and 30. RFC 4632 specifically says between 0 and 3 - and indeed host routes (/32s) are common enough, as is default route.
>> Thanks again for contributing this Bob.
>> -- Alex.
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