How to show the Windows 8 on screen keyboard in LiveCode?
Ralf Bitter
rabit at
Fri Jan 16 13:13:01 EST 2015
Hi Ralf,
the following code lets the Windows on screen keyboard appear (needed
for applications used in desktop mode:
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
set the itemDel to "\"
put item 1 to -2 of $PSModulePath & "\powershell.exe" into tPowerShellPath
set the shellCommand to tPowerShellPath
get shell("start '" & $CommonProgramW6432 & "\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe'")
Note the use of single and double quotes!
Sorry for soliloquizing but I thought this could be useful for others too.
> On 14.01.2015, at 17:47, Ralf Bitter <rabit at> wrote:
> Shouldn't the on screen keyboard of Windows 8 tablets pop up automatically
> on touching a text input control?
> A client who installed a standalone built with LiveCode 6.7.1 on a Toshiba tablet
> reports that the soft keyboard doesn't show up tapping a text input field.
> Thought that, as a workaround, one possibly could start the keyboard exe
> using launch or shell() like:
> launch "C:/Program Files/Common Files/microsoft shared/ink/TabTip.exe"
> yields "not opened"
> or
> get shell("start C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe")
> yields "The file "C:/Program" could not be found."
> or
> get shell("start tabtip.exe")
> yields "The file "tabtip.exe" could not be found."
> Double checked the paths but all this fails, though start tabtip.exe definitely works from
> the Windows command shell in contrast to
> start C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe.
> So, how do others show the on screen keyboard on Windows 8 tablets from
> LiveCode standalones? Any insights appreciated.
> Ralf
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