Can LiveCode apps be Notification Center enabled to appear in the Today view extension?

Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D matthias_livecode_150811 at
Sun Feb 22 16:06:28 EST 2015

Rolf Kocherhans posted some time ago (10/2013) a sample livecode script for this. It uses AppleScript.

on mouseUp
  put "LiveCode" && the environment into tTitle
  put "vers." && revAppVersion() into tSubtitle
  put long system time & "," && the long system date into tNotification
  displayNotification tTitle, tSubtitle, tNotification
end mouseUp

command displayNotification tTitleText, tSubtitleText, tNotificationText
  put "display notification "& quote & tNotificationText & quote &\
  " with title " & quote & tTitleText & quote &" subtitle "& quote &\
  tSubtitleText & quote &""& return & ""into tAppleScriptCode
  do tAppleScriptCode as AppleScript
end displayNotification

And there is an external from Monte available called mergNotifiy which, if i understood the description correctly, is able to send notifications to the notification center.



> Am 22.02.2015 um 18:18 schrieb Ethan Lish <ethanlish at>:
> Can LiveCode apps be Notification Center enabled to appear in the Today view extension?
> If yes, is there a reference document?
> If no, is this a roadmap item?
> E
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