Two SQLITE RevBD questions

James Hale james at
Sat Dec 26 09:44:13 EST 2015

I am moving my app from LC6 to LC7 (in prep for LC8) and have a couple of questions regarding some changes I have made in the way I use SQLITE.

1. Escaping quotes when using binding variables

Originally I was doing the standard INSERT into the DB where I constructed my SQL and then used "revExecuteSQL"
       put "INSERT INTO content "& sq_cols & sq_values into tsql
       revExecuteSQL db_conn_id,tsql

Where sq_cols was a string of the columns in the content table and sq_vals was a concatenated string of the actual values (each enclosed in quotes).
I also escaped any quotes within these values.

I decided to change this to the binding form where I now placed the values into an array and simply bound them to the column names as in...

      put "INSERT INTO content "&sq_cols&" VALUES(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)" into tsql
      revExecuteSQL db_conn_id,tsql,"varray"

Where "varray" is an array with 6 values.

My question is: Do I need to escape quotes in these values?

2. All text data us UTF8 encoded having been read in from their original source via "textDecode(variable,"UTF8") (LC7 version)
The values I store and read into my db will only be read by my app.
Do I need to encode them before storing and then decode them on reading given my app is the only access?


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