[ANN] Tomorrow we ship last copies of book, order now!

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sun Dec 20 13:23:09 EST 2015

Please make sure to confirm your postal mail address when you receive a 
request to do so! We have just sent out many requests for confirmation 
by e-mail. If you didn't receive it, check your spam box.

After confirming, you should receive an auto-reply from us. If you don't 
receive the auto-reply, it means we didn't get your confirmation. In 
that case, you need to reply from a different e-mail address (different 
domain name and IP address).

Kind regards,

Mark Schonewille

Buy the most extensive book on the
LiveCode language:

Op 12/20/2015 om 14:35 schreef Mark Schonewille:
> Hi LiveCode fans!
> Tomorrow is the last day of this year when we ship books!
> If you were planning to order a book, please do so now (within the next
> 12 hours). We'll ship it almost immediately and with a little luck
> you'll have it while you're still enjoying your Christmas/New Year
> holidays.
> You'll find more information here:
> http://livecodebeginner.economy-x-talk.com/
> You can also read everything you need to know about the book on our blog:
> http://tinyurl.com/livecodeblog
> and to order it directly go to
> http://tinyurl.com/livecodebook
> The next scheduled shipment is on 2nd January 2016.

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