Improving the LiveCode release notes

-hh hh at
Tue Dec 15 09:37:25 EST 2015

> Peter wrote:
> I need to set up a build worker for rPi on our CI
> system... maybe after I deal with the release notes.

This forces me to add also an egoist wish:

The release notes could be shortened to 6-7 short lines.

[1] LC version ... released on <date>
[2] Link to GitHub
[3] Link to QC
[4] progressState of LC Builder is <percentage>
[5] progressState of HTML5 builder is <percentage>
[6] progressState of other features <list> is <percentages>
[7] Health and Wealth of LC-team is <enum> and <enum>

The big development steps/improvements are and will be
described better in LC blogs and articles(TWIL) anyway.
By the above they'll attract better attention.

So you are ready in ten minutes to start with setting up
a build worker for RaspberryPi.

Just launch your rockets for that, please! :-))
And don't forget to invite Fraser for this trip.


p.s. You'll win also this 'test engine':
Test a stack in the IDE on RaspberryPiB --- the speed is very
close to that you can await for a HTML standalone for a medium
fast machine (or vice versa).

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