More TopStack-DefaultStack Mysterious - TraveralOn (false) Selection lost?

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Aug 30 14:36:30 EDT 2015

sometimes we need to cite behaviors in two locations.

In  attempts to solve the problem I looked in the dictionary under




in the former we need to say:

"If any field on a card has it's traversalOn set to true, clicking where 
on that stack/card will move the focus of to that stack. In context 
where you are using palettes and trying to retain a selection or objects 
in the top stack, be sure all fields on your palette have their 
traversalOn set to false.

in the "autoTab" entry  we need to say

even if the autotab of a field is false...if the traversalOn of the 
field is true, the field will become the focused object when the 
card/stack that it is on it clicked (even a stack in palette mode)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Ah, but that's the hard part: where?
> For all I know it may even be documented already, but I can't imagine 
> where I might go to learn about it. 

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