v8 DP3

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 02:45:29 EDT 2015

On 08/27/2015 01:08 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On 2015-08-26 23:28, Richmond wrote:
>> [wall of text]
> To answer the questions that I was able to identify:
> * The "Extension Builder" tool is used for compiling and packaging 
> extensions.
> * Extensions may be either "libraries" (which add handlers to the 
> LiveCode message path), "widgets" (which add controls to the LiveCode 
> toolbox) or "modules" (which are used by other extensions).
> * Using an external text editor is the recommended and currently only 
> way to edit LiveCode Builder code.  I recommend using the Atom editor 
> <https://atom.io/>, with my "language-livecode" Atom extension to add 
> syntax highlighting and autocompletion for LiveCode Builder source 
> files <https://atom.io/packages/language-livecode>.
> * For a detailed, step-by-step tutorial for creating a widget, see 
> this blog post: <https://livecode.com/write-a-widget-in-8-steps/>.
>                                         Peter

If you paid a peedie bit more attention to what you term my 'wall of text'

[aka 'Richmond plays Everyman']

you would, possibly, have taken tent of a few things that were serious 

/1. "Start by creating a plain text file and save it //*do*//disk with 
the extension "lcb" "  [Grammatical error hilited]//
//Well, that's a mug's game to start with; these should be possible to 
make from within the Extension Builder./


/I thought I'd just open up my text file using my //*external text 
editor*//(at which point one //
//     starts to wonder what the point of the Builder is)/

Both of those require questions, and at the risk of being a bore, I'll 
reiterate them:

1. Why should there be recourse to an external text editor????

2.  What is the point of the Builder if one cannot type code into it????


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