[OT] Copyrighting games?

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at sealedair.com
Wed Aug 19 12:56:13 EDT 2015

You could have your software log first-time app launches to a LC server
database just to inform you that it has been installed somewhere, and
include some kind of trace code to the purchaser.  When you see 1000+
launches from different IP Addresses, you'll know it has gotten out into
the wilderness (the interwebs).

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>

> On 19/08/15 19:39, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>> On 2015-08-19 18:25, Richmond wrote:
>>> I have recently invented a tiling game that can be produced as a
>>> physical game and as a computer game.
>>> This involved a lot of thought and a lot of work, and as a result I
>>> would like to try and make some money
>>> out of it rather than just "give it to the world".
>>> However, never having copyrighted anything except a book in 1985, I
>>> don't know how to go about this.
>>> My main concern would be, initially at least, within the European
>>> Community.
>>> I would be grateful for any advice anyone can give me.
>> Since quite a long time ago now, every creative work automatically has
>> copyright protection from the moment of creation -- and, by treaty, this
>> protection extends worldwide.
>> There is no need to register your copyright any more in order to receive
>> protection (although it may assist in enforcement).
>> On the other hand, whether you have copyright on something and whether
>> you can make money out of it are usually uncorrelated.
> Ha, Ha, Ha . . . of course.
> However, before I roll along to the local plastic moulding factory I want
> to try to ensure that the owner of the factory doesn't
> merrily steal my product or start selling copies out the back door.
> I am tempted to register here: https://www.workscopyright.com/ as it is
> quick and inexpensive.
> Money is as money does, and I am notoriously bad with money. But I am
> aware that if I want to *try* and sell my product rather
> than just give it away (at which point somebody else can make money from
> my bright idea) I need a bit of what Gene Wilder was talking about
> in the first version of /Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/.
> Richmond.
>>                                     Peter
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