Importing UTF-8 files

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Aug 18 16:50:28 EDT 2015

i would highly recommend a "deep read" of the read me docs for 7.05 
where there is super detail info on all the unicode changes

so much changed, mission critical stuff, a lot easier, but you need to 
do it right.

OH! the release notes for 7.1 don't have any of the unicode business... 
I don't know where LC is documenting that now..

So I extracted this for my own ref

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

J. Landman Gay wrote:
> Should I be using "file" or "binfile" to retrieve unicode text from a 
> UTF-8 text file? I thought I should be using binfile, but after 
> textDecoding the data, text chunking and delimiters break when I do that. 

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