iCalendar [.ics file] Open Source Lib for LiveCode

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Sat Aug 15 21:00:48 EDT 2015

On 16/08/2015 01:50, Alex Tweedly wrote:
> I missed sending it ;-)
> It's at tweedly.org/downloads/icsLib_1_0.zip   (contains the library, 
> a demo and test stack, some test data, ...)
> Note that's an OLD file - ignore anything it might say in there about 
> licensing; license  will be more permissive (most likely MIT) rather 
> than commercial &/or GPL.
> And also note it is nowhere near complete (e.g. I had no need to 
> export, so never did any output functions :-), and hopefully Todd's 
> attempt to make a project will take anything that might be useful from 
> it and make it more complete ....
in particular, avoid the icsDemo stack - it was replace by icsTest and 
should have been omitted from the zip file.

-- Alex.

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