[OT] Endless OS

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 04:14:44 EDT 2015

I wonder if this is a plastic bath-toy or something that might get a 
semi-respectable market share:


The computer is pitched at the 'poor' end of the spectrum, yet it costs 
$169 when I bought
a "proper" second hand DELL for $50.

Mind you the design tells me that the makers have drunk deeply from the 
G3 iMac well of inspiration; so it does
look a lot "sexier" than my black box.

As I am currently doing some messing around with Windows 7 I paid $25 
for a perfectly respectable 5 year old PC
(and, Ha, Ha, Ha, about 4 times as much for the flaming operating system).

It says that it connects to any TV . . . with an HDMI port . . .

That's a load of nonsense to start with: how about a coaxial cable?

I see that it does have a VGA output, which is good, as old cathode-ray 
VDUs are going, round these parts at least,
for about $5.

Frankly anybody who has got $169 + the price of a TV with an HDMI port 
to spare is NOT poor, and if I lived in the
favelas of Rio de Janiero, or the nastier parts of Cairo I would feel 
that somebody was being a bit like
Marie Antoinette and lobbing cake around.

I got a kid whose Dad lost his legs in an industrial hoo-ha, and whose 
Mum is dead, a half-decent Linux system up
and running for $30 (and got some rich bloke to pay for it as well). OK, 
OK, I gave my time and expertise for free,
but the smile on that kid's face was worth a million bucks!

It runs a Linux kernel, but will we be able to spin off LiveCode 
standalones for it?

The website is fairly comprehensive, including links to its software 
repositories and so on, so interested parties
can wile a way a wet weekend exploring.


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