no stack revMenuBar in standalones?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Apr 11 04:26:34 EDT 2015

Hi Richard,

I remember giving the advice to include that line of syntax. You could 
do this:

if the environment contains "dev" then
   set the defaultMenuBar to the long id of grp "revMenuBar" of stack 
end if

(mind line wraps). If you do this, would you have a situation where you 
have no or the wrong menu bar set in your app?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 4/11/2015 02:42, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> My standalones are choking on the line
>    set the defaultMenuBar to the long id of grp "revMenuBar" of stack
> "revMenubar"
> A check found that exists() denies that there is any such objects.
> Is this one of those  stacks that gets loaded late, or is there some ohter
> equivalent?  Do I need to copy that group to one of my stacks and refer to
> that?

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