An interesting programming challenge
Ben Rubinstein
benr_mc at
Fri Apr 10 07:07:14 EDT 2015
On 10/04/2015 06:59, Geoff Canyon wrote:
> This is stream-of-conscious code, but it produces the solution in under a
> second. Spoiler returns:
> There are 2^26 possible sets, or about 64 million. On the assumption that's
> too many to brute force, I do the following:
On 10/04/2015 06:04, dunbarx wrote:
> I found a bug in my code. There is indeed a solution to the 100,000,000
> problem. I still needed a kluge to allow LC to process the way I did it in a
> reasonable amount of time.
> It took about three minutes on a Macbook Air, 1.86 GHz, OS 10.9.
Interesting. Geoff obviously wins! I didn't scroll down to read Geoff's
intelligent dissection of the problem before having a go (if I had I wouldn't
have attempted it!), and hence did attack it brute force; as it happens it
found the answer within a few seconds, but took about 3 minutes (MacBook Pro
2.7Ghz i7, doing other work, and allowing for me clicking OK when it first
announced a solution was found) to complete the full exploration and not find
any other solutions. But it didn't need any kluges:
command exactSum tNumbers, tRequiredSum, tPath
local n
global gSolutions
repeat until tNumbers = empty
put first word of tNumbers into n
delete first word of tNumbers
if n = tRequiredSum then
put tPath && n
answer "Found one!"
put tPath && n & return after gSolutions
else if n < tRequiredSum then
if tNumbers is not empty then
exactSum tNumbers, tRequiredSum - n, tPath && n
end if
-- else n > required sum, no use to us here
end if
end repeat
end exactSum
(called with an empty 'path', i.e.
global gSolutions
put empty into gSolutions
exactSum the uMetroPops of me, 100000000
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