Scripting Cut/Copy/Paste in custom menus

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Mon Sep 15 00:13:50 EDT 2014

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Paul Hibbert <paulhibbert at> wrote:
> Cut, copy, paste & clear are available as commands in LC, so maybe simplifying your Edit menu a little may help, for example…

OK, now I see what you are saying, if you build your Menu Bar script
using the basic Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands like this:

on menuPick pWhich
   switch pWhich
      case "Cut"
      case "Copy"
      case "Paste"
      case "Clear"
      case "Preferences"
         --Insert script for Preferences menu item here
   end switch
end menuPick

Then you get exactly the same behaviour as using the IDE menu except
for 'clear'. That does seem a bug.

I have used the clipboardData for so long that I'd forgotten the
basics. I've found the ability to check what type of data is stored in
the clipboardData array and test against the target to determine if
the data can be pasted there, or if there are several types of data
that can be pasted (text vs html vs rtf vs unicode) allow the option
to choose, is just super powerful.

I can't remember the last time I used the standard paste command.

Sorry for any confusion caused.

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