3 questions about your coding habits

Jerry Jensen jhj at jhj.com
Wed Oct 15 23:27:33 EDT 2014

1: Home/Desktop
2: & 3: OSX only

On Oct 15, 2014, at 8:22 PM, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:

> 1. When you're working on stack files, do you always keep them somewhere in your Home folder, or run with admin privileges and keep them somewhere else (e.g. Applications)?
> 2. Do you regularly switch among different OSes, and if so how do you sync your files (drag-and-drop, rsync, OwnCloud, or something else), or do you bypass syncing altogether by mounting a shared volume?
> 3. If you do sync among multiple OSes, do you maintain the same paths to your stack files on each system relative to your home folder?
> e.g.
> Mac:
> /Users/rg/SomeProject/MyStack.livecode
> Linux:
> /home/rg/SomeProject/MyStack.livecode
> If the latter, then specialFolderPath("home") works as a way of storing relative paths for multi-OS workflows in a tool I'm working on....

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