Is this a bug or am I missing something?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Oct 9 16:02:08 EDT 2014

On 10/9/2014, 2:10 PM, John wrote:
>   While this may be the case in general, when the menubar script is:
> on mouseDown
>       put the long name of the focusedObject & return & return & the focusedObject into field "results"
> end mouseDown
> The first part of the put (the long name of the focusedObject) results in a card on the main stack being written to the “results” field and the second part of the put (the focusedObject) results in the field on the sub stack being written to the “results” field.

It still holds. Menus are buttons, buttons are not focusable on Mac, so
LC reports the card as focused.

I haven't tracked the problem with two different values in your scripts, 
but my first thought was like Mark's: on mouseDown the focus changes to 
the menu button. Since buttons can't have focus on Mac, you get the card 
reported instead.

I almost never use focusedObject. The handler worked fine when you 
checked the selectedfield, which is how I have always done it too. The 
discrepancy you're seeing is interesting (and maybe worth a bug report,) 
but the alternative method is easy enough.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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