Stack Menu Mystery - Disappointing Documentation (Long, sorry)

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue Nov 25 13:49:38 EST 2014

Nice. And along with that we should probably have the Menu Builder automatically create File and Edit menus complete with the script commands that make them work. For instance Save will save the current stack, Copy will copy whatever is currently selected, etc. We can code it now, but with many different stacks/forms that do different things, having to code each menu, or create a global menuPick handler for *some* menu commands as I now do seems sketchy.

Bob S

On Nov 25, 2014, at 08:06 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at<mailto:ambassador at>> wrote:

When Theming becomes available we'll be able to revamp the ways menus are constructed, mapping those calls to native OS routines for even closer adherence to user expectations.   And along with that I'll probably need to come up with another way to know if a menu is open since I won't be able to rely on the first line of "the windows" being blank - small price to pay if we finally get automatically-toggling Alt key shortcuts for Windows.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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