Need help with Indiegogo, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Mon Nov 24 21:36:18 EST 2014

> Ok, so you are recommending an upfront paid advertising 
> approach on FB and Twitter then where my ads appear somewhere 
> without my having any links anywhere to anyone.
> Is this approach going to cost me a small fortune?

I haven't done any advertising on Twitter other than our own home grown
marketing. But I have made use of Facebook ads, bot for post and page
promotion. You have a lot of granular control over whom you target, key
words, gender, age, country there. You can also experiment with small sums
to see what the results are.

I can't claim a lot of experience in crowdfunding. I did watch your video
and its really hard to tell what your previous work is like. Sometimes
giving away a track or sampler or something helps let people know if that's
something they are interested in.

My reading up (I have a crowdfunding project in the works for Q1 or Q2 2015)
on it though leads me to the conclusion that you should have every single
day planned out for promoting, and that the first two weeks and the final
two weeks are likely to be the ones that bring in the most.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

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