BBEdit Language Module for LiveCode

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Fri Nov 14 13:34:19 EST 2014

Hi Brahmanathaswami

Funny coincidence, it's just what I'm looking at now.

I found this one a few days ago

and I've started to add to it (mainly to fix the function scanner).  It's sort 
of working now, but I think the next thing is to stop adding keywords 
manually, and instead take a dump out of the source code.  Then I was going to 
try a pull request to the original maintainer (I'm also trying to use this get 
the hang of using Git, after years of subversion).

If you want to have a go yourself, my work in progress is here



On 11/11/2014 06:56, Kay C Lan wrote:
> Trevor DeVore created a language module a while back but I think it broke
> at v9 of BBEdit. Not sure if he's updated it.
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:42 AM, Brahmanathaswami <brahma at> wrote:
>> Has anyone developed a codeless (ergo livecode-language.plist) language
>> module for BBEdit?
>> BBedit 11 came out and though it costs $...
>>   I've never really been happy with anything else I have tried.
>> (Sublime2, Atom etc)
>> If not I will get to work on my own.
>> Is there an existing convention for the 4ltr application code for Livecode?
>> lvcd
>> # would seem to be the obvious default if the global application name
>> space has this as an available option. i.e. not in used by some other
>> software (cc support on this one as they may have a vested interest in
>> getting this right)
>> Swasti Astu, Be Well!
>> Brahmanathaswami
>> Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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