how are variables passed from functions?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Nov 14 13:28:26 EST 2014

On 11/14/2014, 9:12 AM, dunbarx at wrote:
> I don't see any anomaly here. Since the intermediate function calls yet another function, it never needs to "close", that is, return, a value. It is a pass-through entity, a card carrying member of the chain of handler calls. Step through this variation:
> on mouseUp
>      put double(2) into myVar1
> answer myVar1
> end mouseUp
> function double var
>     put redouble(var * 2) into myVar2 -- no return in this function
> end double
> function redouble var
>     return var * 2
> end redouble
> The "8" you get is processed sequentially through the handler path, just like bacon.

Boy, I don't know. It seems wrong to me. The scope of a variable is 
supposed to be handler-specific unless declared otherwise, and "myVar2" 
should not be available outside of double().

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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