Livecode Has Stopped Working

Ray ray at
Mon Nov 10 12:58:14 EST 2014

Recently I had to factory reset Windows on my Acer Aspire, taking me 
back to 8.0.  I re-downloaded Livecode 6.5.2, my favorite I've used for 
quite a while.  I can launch it by double-clicking it directly, but a 
double-click on any of my stacks, even newly made empty stacks, launches 
it and immediately gives me an error that "Livecode has stopped 
working".  I also freeze if I launch Livecode, create a stack and then 
click Livecode's close box.

I've found Livecode 7.0.1 (rc 1) works a little better but I'm still 
getting a lot of freezing and "Livecode has stopped working" errors.

I'd like to think it's because I've downloaded a 32bit version of 
Livecode on my 64bit machine, but I don't see where any of the downloads 
specify which of these they're for.

Any ideas?

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