
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat May 3 16:12:22 EDT 2014

On 5/3/14, 2:23 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
> The text property is special in that it can be used as the value of the object.  Most notably we can do this:
>     put “All is good.” into field “Status”
> We don’t have to write this:
>     set the text of field “Status” to “All is good.”
> So, I was thinking something like this:
>     if button “Quiet” is not “checked” the…
>     if button “option 4” is not “selected” then…

One problem is that buttons already have a text property, and some 
people use it to store things. Combo and option buttons use it for their 
content lists, but you can put whatever you want into any button. This 
works fine in a push button or any other type:

    put "I am a storage container" into button 1
    put btn 1  <-- "I am a storage container"

Back in the HC days, that was one of the few storage options we had. 
It's far less common in LC because we have custom properties, but the 
text option is still there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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