The status of 6.5.1

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Jan 19 13:30:58 EST 2014

On 1/19/14, 10:45 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>> So, instead of a mad scramble to get out a version 7, a period of
>> retrenchment would seem called through, with a far longer
>> period of beta-testing, and a more rigorous one at that.
> Where did RunRev announce that they're refusing to make another
> maintenance build between now and v7?
> The radically-enhanced v7 has been in development for some time, during
> which they've continued to roll out many new versions of the v6 series.
> I haven't seen any indication from them that this will somehow stop -
> did I miss something?

I was going to reply to this too but I hesitatated. You didn't miss 
anything, there's no "mad scramble", v. 7 is part of a dual-track 
development effort. There will be a 6.6 release soon and probably others 
after that. V. 7 is going to take a while to finish because it requires 
a huge rewrite of many existing components -- not the least of which is 
the field object, which is probably the most complex object the engine has.

My primary concern with posts like the OP are that they are based on 
conjecture and might influence potential users looking into LiveCode. 
The mousecolor bug used as an example was fixed within days of being 
reported. It certainly wasn't a bug severe enough to reflect on the 
reliability of the entire product, but casual internet visitors would 
not have known that from the tone of the post.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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