Stupid simple version control using dropbox

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Feb 9 17:50:21 EST 2014

On 2/9/14, 4:51 AM, AndyP wrote:
> And for easy Android testing..
> Install DropBox on Android
> then have LiveCode save the apk into your DropBox folder on your dev
> computer
> open the apk from the Android DropBox
> install onto device.

Yup, I've been doing it that way for a long time and it works great.

> Been using DropBox for quick and easy versioning for a few years now and
> also have an account with Copy which backs up my DropBox folder.. all free
> easy and quick.
>    DropBox <>
> Copy <>

I hadn't heard of Copy before and was excited to hear it would work with 
aliases, because I want to keep my files in my own folder structure. 
Spent a while today trying it. It isn't ready for prime time yet, in 
fact, it messed up a whole lot of my files. It follows aliases 
recursively -- that is, if you put an aliased folder into Copy, and that 
folder has another aliased folder in it, then every last file in all the 
paths along the way get copied. I now have a few hundred unwanted files 
in there to delete, and even when I remove them from Copy their icons on 
my hard drive don't change. I now have a couple hundred files with their 
little checkmark icon on them.

Also, if you alias a folder, and then put another aliased folder inside 
that, it doesn't see it. It apparently only follows aliased folders at 
the root level.

Since OS X has decided to make their new aliases about 20x larger than 
the original file, I tried symlinks. I couldn't get Copy to honor those, 
though they say they should work (but maybe they weren't at the root 
level, I can't remember.) If you use Apple's huge aliases, even after 
removing the custom icon, you'll quickly use up your space. Apple has 
ballooned their aliases to include a ton of stuff, and my 2K text file 
has an alias that is almost 3 megs in size. Copy counts disk space by 
the alias file size rather than the actual file sizes, so instead of 
deducting 2K of space, it took off 3 megs.

Maybe I'll try again some other time when they mature a bit. If anyone 
knows an automator sequence that can remove hundreds of custom icons 
from files, I'd love to know about it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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