BBEdit Language Module for LiveCode

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sat Dec 20 20:06:07 EST 2014

re: "if" and "switch" folding...

I tried.  in the plist I had added this: under the language features 

<key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Close Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Close Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Close Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Close Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
<key>Close Statement Blocks</key>

and, for reasons beyond my ken... command, on, function all work, but 
not if or switch.

I believe there are perhaps issues with white space at the beginning of 
the line, but I haven't found an exact recipe. Someday if I or anyone 
else, gets time, could join the BBEdit community forum and ask questions 
there. Probably missing something simple OR there are limits to what can 
be done in an xml/plist vs a binary language module built in 
xCode (the other option)


Devin Asay wrote:
> Ditto what Jacque said. This is so great to have and makes editing .lc 
> files in BBEdit much nicer!
> Ben or Swami, do you know if it’s possible to add folding for repeat 
> loops and if-then structures? It would sure be nice to collapse log, 
> nested if-thens to get a sense of the whole handler or script flow.
> Devin

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