best resize stack handling?

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Fri Aug 29 05:36:43 EDT 2014



Using LC 6.6.2 on Win 7

I am having a dynamic GUI layout, where I adapt sizes and positions of all
GUI elements on resizeStack.

In general it works as expected. Only when resizing the stack window very
fast, or using the maximize/minimize window button, my resizing handler
doesn't catches up and messes the size of some of the objects. With a double
call of my resize handler I found a solution, which works fine for me, but
it doesn't looks very sophisticated:


on resizeStack pNewW,pNewH,pOldW,pOldH

      myResizeStack pNewW,pNewH,pOldW,pOldH

      wait 0 with messages

      myResizeStack pNewW,pNewH,pOldW,pOldH

      pass resizeStack

end resizeStack


What are your experiences and technics for resizing?







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