Sending bulk emails

Jonathan Cooper drdada at
Mon Aug 25 20:42:38 EDT 2014

When I worked at the Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), I researched a number of bulk email providers and concluded that the best one was Campaign Monitor ( And we were VERY happy with them. They have an excellent tool for reducing both the spam rate and the bounce rate. The interface is very easy to use and it's very fast. There's also a feature which is probably more cool than useful: real-time map view. After you click "send" (although you can also set it to send at a specified date/time in the future) you can view a world map that shows when each recipient opens his or her email with (approximate) location and name.

It was fairly pricey for us (the subscriber list for the AGNSW's main e-newsletter numbers in the hundreds of thousands) but it was well worth it.

No, I don't get any commission. ;-)


Jonathan Cooper
(02) 4365 4809 • 0403 358 941

On 26/08/2014, at 3:19 AM, use-livecode-request at wrote:

> Hi list,
> Here's my problem : one of our apps is used by different
> clients of ours for various tasks, one of them being sending
> bulk emails weekly to their own customers.
> The number of recipients for each emailing can vary between
> 800 to 2500.
> So far we used a php script on our server; this script receives
> a notification from each client's app, selects all customers with
> emails according to specific parameters, and then sends the
> email with the specific domain name of each client as sender.
> Everything works fine, except that more and more often emails
> end up in the recipients' spam box. It actually depends on the
> ISP but it gets more & more frequent.
> I tried different variations of the email header content, from
> various advices I found on various forums but it doesn't help...
> So I was wondering how you guys would handle the problem.
> I guess the solution is using a 3rd party web based service.
> Is there any such service that you would recommand ?
> Thanks in advance for any tips and help.
> jbv

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