delete end chars

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Sun Aug 24 11:46:48 EDT 2014

On 24/08/14 18:19, JB wrote:
> Hi Richmond,
> Wouldn’t that just delete the last char?  I need to
> check for all characters in the first string to see if
> they all exist in the same order of the last chars
> of the second string.  I know I could use a repeat
> to see if the characters all exist and then if they
> do I could use a repeat that many times to delete
> the last character.  I was thinking there might be
> a faster or at least smaller way to write the code.
> Would a regex be better and if so how do you
> write the regex properly?
> John Balgenorth

If you have a string that is like this: ZZXYQPSPTABC

and you want to delete any occurrences of A, B, or C you could do this 
sort of thing:

Well; to make things easier for myself (i.e. so I had visual 
confirmation of things) I made
a stack with a fld "TEXXT" and  a Button "DO IT BABY".

I put "ZZXYQPSPTABC" into fld "TEXXT"

I put this script in button "DO IT BABY":

on mouseUp
    put fld "TEXXT" into TEXXT
    put the number of chars in TEXXT into CHNMB
    repeat CHNMB times
       if the last char of TEXXT is "A" then
          delete the last char of TEXXT
       end if
        if the last char of TEXXT is "B" then
          delete the last char of TEXXT
       end if
        if the last char of TEXXT is "C" then
          delete the last char of TEXXT
       end if
       put TEXXT into fld "TEXXT"
    end repeat
end mouseUp

try it.


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