Motion Graphic in LiveCode

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Fri Aug 22 18:25:07 EDT 2014

Hi Tom,

These stacks show different ways to animate
a sequence of images or vector graphics:

Scott Rossi shows how to use custom properties
to animate a vector graphic.

This could be expanded in the way described by Scott
in the substack "About Tutti3d" or you could apply
this concept of setting properties in a loop as
you describe in your message:

"group the individual pieces of artwork and use the custom properties 
to control their placement and timing to make an animation"

The correct order of operations to animate these skeletal based
animation is: 

Starting from the original unmodified artwork (vector or bitmap) 

1)Scale (set the rect of IMG/GRC to ....)

2) Rotate (set the angle... for images / revrotatepoly for vector graphics
or use your own custom handlers for rotation.

Notice that many of us have published handlers to rotate vectors and images, 
(Jim Hurley, Scott Rossi, Malte Brill, Chipp Walters, Bernd Niggemann,
myself and many more developers)

3)Translate - placement or moving the artwork to its position
using "set the loc of IMG/GRC to ..."

In this stack:
Scott Rossi shows how to use a sequence of images to animate a flag.

In this stack:
Abraham Wouter shows how to animate a group of
graphics using the same technique employed in
videogames and webpages


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