Standard Library

Thierry Douez th.douez at
Thu Aug 14 07:25:56 EDT 2014

>> Here is a simple one:
>>    put "<(?P<tag>[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>.*?</(?P=tag)>" into RX
>>    if matchText( anyHtmlText, RX) then put "Get it!"

Ok, just received 2 another positives feedback that this regex is valid!
even with the latest LC x.x DP x  versions. So, we are 3 by now.

And please, avoid coming back saying that it doesn't do this or that;
that was not the idea of my first post.

This line of LC+Regex was here just to explain how to use
named groups, nothing more. So focus on:

- (?P<tag>...
- (?P=tag)

If you need some experimented LC + Regex coders,
please, feel free to contact me off-list.

> Regex is powerful stuff. LC + regex is just giving your stack extra
> horsepower for free.

I like nice ending stories :)

Be well,


Thierry Douez -
Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage

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